Getting up close and personal with ourselves is a life choice.

Once you have tasted the magical nature of this connection yourself and tested yourself in this space, it is noticeably effective and addictive. Deep understanding of yourself emerges when the mind quietens. The feeling when you are in complete sync with yourself is one of absolute freedom, acceptance and acknowledgement.

The power of a human being – when you are in complete coordination between the mind, body and spirit – is undoubtedly for me what living is about. Building this relationship with ourselves helps us connect with ourselves and define who we are. It governs the tempo and rhythm for our daily pursuits.

I have arrived at this place through my practise of the Pilates method which I started at 18. I am now 50. I notice more and more how my practise shapes the way I interact with my work, my children and colleagues. The practise sharpens my focus, heightens my awareness and makes my intuition accessible and available.

I am sold and I am convinced.

I spend my days serving others and this is the life I expected. The ability to deeply connect with others and build rapport starts with me. And with me committing to ‘me’ firstly every day.

Life is a privilege when you are operating from within.

Katrina Edwards – Director of Training

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