- When did you start Pilates and why?
Twenty seven years ago (yes, I’m pretty ancient now!) and unable to walk due to nerve impingement, I surrendered to back surgery. Prior to that, I had been a passionate and competitive dressage rider ss well as a keen swimmer and cyclist. I was fortunate to discover studio Pilates as the primary means of my post operative rehab, and from my first appointment I was hooked!. I completed my instructor training twenty five years ago and have been ‘addicted” to helping my clients since then.
- How long have you been running a pilates studio for?
About 20 years. At first I ran a boutique studio as a sole instructor and then, fifteen years ago I increased my range of studio apparatus which enabled me to grow the business and invite some wonderful instructors to join me in caring for our fabulous clients.
- Why did you choose to open your own Pilates Studio?
I like to say WE rather than I, as we work as a very cooperative team. We set up our studio due to demand from our burgeoning clientele. Our primary enjoyment is guiding our clients to achieve functional movement.
- What have enjoyed most about running your own studio?
Many of our loyal clients arrive with limiting/restricting pathologies and it is such a joy observing their progress, gaining improved movement, flexibility, balance and self confidence.
- What have you found most challenging?
Our ongoing challenge is finding enough Diploma qualified instructors.
- How long have you been affiliated with NPT?
About 4 years
- How has this relationship helped you grow your business?
Well, this is a bit of a Catch 22 situation! We are limited in business growth at present due to needing more instructors. (We have a waiting list of new clients)
- What have you noticed about graduates from NPT?
We have several NPT trainees, each of whom is finding their online training to be clear, thorough and offering a well-structured path towards their qualifications.
Pure Pilates, Kingston TAS ~ Founder Laraine Ludwig